Amelia here!
Can you believe I've been at the foster house for 6 months? I'm officially the longest foster dog to live at the Corbin house! Now, I'm still seeking the adoptions so I'm going to blurt out some facts about me for the whole world to know. The reasons why you should or shouldn't adopt me, depending on your lifestyle. The good. The bad. And, the ugly... although, there isn't much ugly because I'm beautiful!
We'll start with the ugly.
When I got to my foster home, I was extremely vocal when I would play with Corbin, mostly when we were running. Now, I don't mean just barking... I mean it's like a growl and a bark and I sounded like I might have wanted to eat him. But, the foster parents worked very hard on distracting me when I did that and now I know that talking smack is an unacceptable way to play. Sometimes, though, when I get really excited... I still do it. But, the foster momma yells "Amelia!" and I stop right away and run back to her. I have a great recall -but that should be in the good part!
That's really it on the ugly.
Now, the bad.
Although 90% of the time I'm a very calm and reserved girl, I can get very excited at times. During these times, I usually flop over on my back and flail my legs in the air and I try to wiggle my butt, even though it's on the ground. Sometimes I might jump up on someone, but that doesn't happen often and the foster parents always tell me I need to sit on my bottom -I usually decide to flop on my back. We don't have many opportunities to work on this one because it only comes up once in a while. Sometimes I just get super excited for things!

I'm still a little nervous of small spaces and slippery floors. When I came to the foster house, I was very scared of the hallway. But, I overcame that fear quickly! It took me about 5 months being at the foster home to venture into the bathroom, but now I'm okay going in there, too! I also get a little scared at the vets or at petsmart because the floors are a little slippery. The foster momma has worked with me a lot and I've been doing MUCH better! But, sometimes I still get scared and need to be reminded that it's okay.
And, that's really it on the bad.
Are you still with me? Because, we're on to the good stuff now!
Seriously, here's the "good" stuff!
I am house trained and crate trained, as long as my crate has a bed in it. If there are just blankets, I get a little nervous because they slide under my feets. If I have a nice bed, I can walk on it without sliding and I like that. I don't chew beds in my crate, I respect them. In the morning when the momma goes to make her to-go cup of coffee, I automatically go in my crate, because I know she's coming with treats. I stay in my crate for 8 hours every day.
I walk well on a leash and I do very well when I wear an easy walk harness. I didn't walk very well on the leash when I got to the foster house, but the momma worked with me and taught me that it's not nice to pull her around. If you see me at an adoption clinic, I tend to get a bit overwhelmed and I like to be every where at once, so I can get a bit pully there... but when I'm walking around and I can focus on walking, I do very well! So, don't let my "show" at adoption events fool you.
I LOVE to ride in the car! I jump right in and I sit down for the whole ride. You won't even know I'm in the car! If you leave the car, I'll take your seat until you return. But, once you get back, I'll hop right into the back seat again. Oh, and you can forget about that time I broke into the momma's groceries and ate come cocoa while she was pumping gas. I was framed.
I'm a good eater and I always sit for my food. I have a pretty strong stomach and don't have any food problems or weird allergies that we've noticed yet. I don't have any food aggression at the foster house, and Corbin comes to check out my dish every day. Foster momma also tests me out a few times a month and takes my food away mid meal, but I get it back when I sit down again.
I also don't have aggression over highly valued treats. This is me and Corbin sharing a bully stick! Don't worry, we did each get our own to chomp on. Corbin always finishes his treat before I do, so he comes hunting for mine. I don't give it to him, but I don't put up a fight if he insists that it's his. Foster parents usually don't let it get that far, we're always supervised when high value treats are around.
I'm very good at sharing my toys, too. This is me and Emmett sharing a Kong. Corbin and I have never had a disagreement over a toy, treat, food or affections. I haven't even had a disagreement with all the other dogs that have come to our house for vacations! I'm a pretty easy going girl.
I loved being on foster parents boat! And, I love swimming and walking and running through the water! I also like a kiddie pool filled with water for me to sun bathe in. I love sun bathing, even without water. My favorite place to be in the summer is out in the yard, relaxing.
I don't bark often. Foster momma can only think of a handful of times when I've barked. Even when I have barked before, foster momma calls my name and I go running to her. Once I barked at Corbin's Grandpa Jack.
I'm super silly and I love belly rubs. I'm also a great snuggler.
I sleep in a dog bed at night, sometimes with Corbin, sometimes by myself. If offered, though, I'll absolutely snuggle with the foster parents in bed. I loves to snuggle.
And, I guess there's one more category... The need to know stuffs.
I have a heart condition called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, which means the walls of my heart have become thickened, making it difficult for my heart to pup the blood through so my heart beats over time. I had a heart ultrasound done in June and started a daily medication that costs $6 a month. I went back to the vet for a check up at the end of August and the vet said my heart was improving and I went from 165 beats per minute to 140, which is a big improvement! I'll need an additional heart ultrasound in June 2014 ($200) to make sure my medications are working and to see if the walls have my heart have decreased in thickness. After that ultrasound, I may only need additional ultrasounds as needed or every 3 years. We caught my heart condition in time and by continuing my daily medication, I should experience a normal life!
And, that about sums up an Amelia!
In the past 6 months, I have learned so much from foster parents and Corbin. I've learned how to have fun and how to be a dog. I've learned how to listen and I've accepted many other dogs into our home. I even got nipped on the nosey at clinic last weekend by another dog, but I didn't react poorly. I told him he was a grumpy old man, but I didn't snap back at him. I think I'd make a great companion for just about anyone. I'm loving and caring and I promise to make you feel better on your bad days (one of the reasons foster momma doesn't want to give me up!). I promise to continue to learn and listen and I'll love you all the days of my life.
So, what do you say? Come adopt me, maybe?
Visit her Petfinder page
Also, check out these blog posts about Amelia:
Foster Friday: Amelia Health Update