Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Happy Gotcha Day, Queen D!

A year ago a saw a picture of a dog and fell in love.

 Diamond was located at the NYC shelter and scheduled to be euthanized but a rescue was looking to confirm a foster to save her. I quickly emailed them and offered to take Diamond into our home. I received an email back from Chris Hughes, co-founder of the Mr. Mo Project. He asked me some questions, but the one that stood out was "are your dogs friendly?" Uh, well... Corbin wasn't an easy answer to that question or the answer most rescues want to hear. Chris called me and I pleaded my case about how although Corbin was a jerk to introduce with other dogs, we had been a successful foster family. Chris gave me the benefit of the doubt and the wheels were in motion to get Diamond here. 

When she arrived, I went to the vet office to meet her. I walked into the tiny quarantine room and D jumped up and wrapped her arms around my waist. I knew in that moment that my crazy impulse reaction agreeing to foster this dog was 100% right. 

1 year ago today, Diamond came to our home. Over this past year we have nursed Diamond back to health and decided that she was home right here with us. I've gotten to know Chris and Mariesa and come to love these senior dogs they save. Eddie (I'll introduce him soon!) is our 46th foster dog and our 6th senior foster for the Mr. Mo Project. I'm so proud to be a small part of such a great dog rescue. 

Here are 3 amazing before and after photos to show just how far our Queen D has come. 

"Every dog has the ability to change your life, if you let them." I believe that whole heartedly in regard to Corbin, but I see the change Diamond has made in my life, too. She's opened my eyes to the beauty in senior dog rescue and adoption. Nothing compared to earning the love of a senior dog. 

Happy Gotcha Day, Diamond!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The life of the Corbin.

There are few moments in life that you know are life changing as you experience them. 6 years ago, I woke up in a dogless home with the intention of going to an adoption event to gather some information about a local rescue I was interested in getting involved with.  The morning went on, I got busy and lost track of time. Suddenly, there was only 15 minutes left of the adoption clinic. I quickly ran out of the house shouting promises to Adam that I wouldn't come home with a dog.
I arrived as the adoption event was ending. I spoke to a woman and mentioned I submitted my application and someone called me during the week and I was interested in possibly fostering. She directed me to another woman and I chatted with her about the responsibilities and process of fostering. She had explained over the phone earlier in the week that they would not be getting more dogs in until mid January and suggested I volunteer at the clinic every Saturday until then to learn more about their group. As we were ending our conversation, a crazy blur of a dog came up to me with his foster mom in tow.
She over heard my interest in fostering and explained that the crazy brown dog at her feet was in need of a new foster home. She wasn't able to take both of her foster dogs with her for Christmas and after the holiday, her other foster dog was having leg surgery. I agreed to take this dog who never seemed to have all 4 paws on the ground at once.  I wish I knew then how much this moment would change my life. I would have paid more attention to this dog who would capture my heart and soul.
It turned out that his foster mom lived just 5 minutes from our home, so she offered to follow me and do our home visit to complete the approval of our application. I got in my car and made two phone calls on my way home. The first was to my mom. "Oh, Jenn. You're never going to be able to give this dog up." I assured her that he was just a foster dog. She bet me $25 that we wouldn't be able to let him go. She was right, of course. Mom's are always right.
The second call was to Adam. I had to tell him that I broke my promise. The conversation went like this...
Me: "Hi! Are you still home?"
Adam: "Yea, for a little longer. Why?" 
Me: "Ok, good! I'd like for you to meet Corbin."
Adam: "What's a Corbin?"
Me:  "Well... our new foster dog."
Adam: "Come on, Jenn!  You said you weren't coming home with a dog!"
Me: "BUT He's just a foster dog!"
Adam: "HE??  You said you didn't want a male dog!"
Me: "BUT! He's just a foster dog!"
Adam: "How old is he?"
Me: "Um.. 6 months"
Adam: "YOU said YOU didn't want a YOUNG dog!"
Me: "BUT!!!! He's JUST a foster dog!"
Adam: "What kind of dog is it?"
Me: "Well, he's a Pit Bull."
Adam: "A PIT BULL?!  YOU SAID you didn't want a PIT BULL!"
Adam: "click"
This conversation I remember clear as day. I was so unsure of my decision to take in this dog and I was trying so hard to sound confident and absolutely sure this was going to work. Corbin was everything I didn't want in a dog. I was sure I wanted to adopt a female, adult, 40lb Border Collie mix. But, what was wrong with fostering a few dogs while we were waiting for the perfect dog to come along, right?
I pulled into the driveway and Heather and Corbin were right behind me. They followed me into the house and off Corbin went. He went racing down the hallway, bounced off the spare bed, back down the hallway, around the Christmas tree, jumped from the couch to the love seat and back down the hallway to start all over again. Adam looked at me, rolled his eyes and left to run some errands.
Heather finished up our home visit and told me some information about Corbin, then she left to get all of his things. I remember thinking "What the hell did I get myself into..." as I watched her car drive away.  As soon that thought popped into my head and my heart had a moment of panic as Heather left... I turned around to find the crazy brown dog was curled up in a ball on my couch. And I thought: He has an off switch. He's not psycho all the time. This is good.
Looking back on that day, Corbin knew he was home. It was instant for him. He settled right in, and that's something Corbin could never do away from home. It took us a little longer to come around.
Before meeting Corbin, I had little experience with Pit Bulls and really only knew what was portrayed about them through the media. So, could I take him out in public? Could we go to the pet store with him? What would people think of me with a Pit Bull? All those questions were quickly answered over the next few days as we got to know Corbin.
He was just a dog. Like any other dog. He loved people and was good with other dogs. He enjoyed car rides and loved chomping on a good bone. He snuggled and gave kisses and loved to play fetch in the back yard. We brought him almost everywhere with us and tried to convince everyone we knew to adopt him. But, he was a Pit Bull, and while everyone he met quickly fell in love with him, they weren't sure about adopting him. Frankly, neither were we.
Corbin spent two months as a foster dog before we finally signed the paperwork to make him officially ours, even though we knew weeks before then that we couldn't part with him. I gave my mom the $25 I lost on our bet, which she used to buy Corbin his first life vest. No one else wanted to adopt him because he was meant to be ours. He knew it from day one.
Corbin wasn't an easy dog. A month after his adoption, he started getting protective, defensive and aggressive. My previous dog knowledge wasn't enough to help us through it. So, we hired a dog trainer that came to our house and trained me and Adam. He gave us the tools we needed to communicate with Corbin and help him be a well behaved, well mannered dog. It was one of the best decisions we made and enhanced the relationship and bond between me and Corbin. We worked with him every day on his training. He even went on to become a Canine Good Citizen.
That summer, we started our fostering journey. By Christmas time, Corbin made it clear that he loved being a foster brother. After proper introductions, Corbin was welcoming of every dog that walked through our door. He was patient, respectful and tolerant. He understood the scared dogs and they all mocked what Corbin did. He knew what it was like to be where they were, and he helped them gain the confidence he had to face the world. It was amazing to watch him coax a dog out of their shell and show them how life can be enjoyed. He really did enjoy it, and so did we.
Corbin really did love life. He brought a smile to everyone he met and quickly captured their hearts.  I started this blog to document the adventures he had and our fostering journey and it quickly became so much more. I couldn't believe people wanted to read what I wrote. I decided to write it from Corbin's prospective, he was so expressive and had so much to say. He was half human. As the blog grew, I began realizing that our words had an impact on people. Not only were we having fun and writing about it, but we were bringing awareness to a breed that is consumed with negative media. Corbin was opening people's minds about this breed and inviting people into his world. He was just a dog, like any other dog... the only difference was that he was a Corbin, and there was certainly no one like him. He was showing people the importance of rescuing, adopting and fostering and that every dog deserved the chance to be evaluated as an individual, not characterized by a breed label. He started conversations, changed minds and helped dogs beyond those that entered our home. Over the years, I've received so many amazing comments from people about how their life was impacted by our blog. My favorites were those that said Corbin helped their idea of Pit Bulls, Corbin's stories helped them in their own journey with an adopted Pit Bull, they had never met a Pit Bull and Corbin made them reach out to get to know some, our blog helped convince them to volunteer and/or foster, they saw a dog that looked like Corbin and it encouraged them to start up a conversation with their owner, or simply that Corbin brought a smile to their face that day.  
I can't say I'd do anything different if given the opportunity to start over. I loved him too much, and I knew that early on. My love for Corbin consumed my life. It changed my life. I had never connected with a dog on such a deep level. His soul connected with mine and I was forever changed.  Corbin came into this world with a purpose.  He was meant to be mine.  He was wired to be a foster brother.  His intention was to change as much of the world as he could, and he did that and more.  It still amazes me how many people he touched, and continues to touch after he passed.  This day, 6 years ago, changed my life.  I will never be the same for having loved the Corbin.  There will never be another one, and there never has to be.  He will live on through us, through our girls, through the 40 foster dogs he had a hand in molding and those that have come after he left, through the thousands of people who have followed along with his adventures.  He was handsome, he was smart and he was amazing.  He only needed 6 years here on earth to make his mark.  I know he's causing trouble, running wild and comforting others on the other side.  His spirit is strong and I'm thankful I can often feel him here with me.  I miss him so much every day... he left a hole in my heart that will never be filled.  But, no matter how much pain his death left me, I will always be thankful for the time we had with him.  He gave me my passion and brought me so much happiness in the 5 and a half years he was here with us. 
6 years ago, Corbin walked into my life.
Though his time was short, his impact was mighty. 
June 4, 2009 - June 27, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015

Let's go, Mr. Mo!

I hope you enjoyed Emily's story earlier in the week! It felt good to share with you what's been happening at our home.

I mentioned in our previous post that Emily was taken in by the Mr. Mo Project, the group who also helped us save Diamond. The Mr. Mo Project is an amazing group that helps take senior dogs out of shelters across the country. They started the non profit project just 18 months ago and have already successful pulled, vetted and placed over 60 dog! SIXTY SENIOR DOGS!!! The project covers medical expenses for each dog for the remainder of their life. This takes the financial burden off of people who sometimes question taking in an older dog because of some of the medical issues that may come with it.  They also have no hesitation in taking in dogs who need extra medical care, like Diamond and Emily did, as well as many, many other dogs in their program. Emily alone cost $5,000 in vet bills to get our old lady healthy enough to enjoy her golden age.  

The faces saved by the Mr. Mo Project.

This group relies solely on donations. With all the new dogs they've taken in recently, their funds are at an all time low with outstanding vet bills totaling close to $10,000.  But, the good news is YOU can help! Right now, there are two fundraisers going on.

He loved his Ninja Turtles collar. 

The first is our great friends at Sirius Republic! During the month of September, 20% of proceeds that use the rescue code RPMM86 at check out will be TRIPLE matched for a donation to the Mr. Mo Project! Start your holiday shopping early and get your furry best friend a new collar! Corbin loved when a new collar arrived and he always enjoyed modeling his new gear for the world to see! Sirius Republic also sent sweet Emily her very own collar, which she struts her stuff in any time it's on. We love this company more than words can say!!! Visit their website at www.siriusrepublic.Com and don't forget to enter Rescue Code RPMM86 at checkout! 

The second fundraiser allows you to support the project both financially and visually!  You can get your own Mr. Mo Project shirt, hoodie or tank! Show everyone how great this program is by wearing the name proudly and starting a conversation about your love for dogs of all ages!  Visit the fundraiser site at

Maybe neither of these fundraisers speak to you, and that's okay too! Lucky for you, there are many ways to send a direct donation to the Mr. Mo Project!
Donate via Paypal:
Call the vet directly to make a payment on a vet bill: 518-371-3606
Mail a donation directly to the project:
The Mr. Mo Project
641 Grooms Road #235
Clifton Park, NY 12065

All donations are tax deductible! Make a difference today. My girls mean the world to me, and I have the Mr. Mo Project to thank.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Welcome Emily

Corbin was the voice of this blog.  The words just don't seem to come without him here.  But, like Corbin, his blog stood for something... and I will do my best to continue writing.  So, true to what this blog has always been about... true to what Corbin brought into our life... true to what Corbin stood for... I introduce you to Emily.

Emily was surrendered to our local shelter on July 30th.  On August 10th, I saw her picture and story on facebook... She was 16.  I had to have her.  I chatted with the Mr. Mo Project people and it was decided she would be the newest Mo dog.  She was picked up from the shelter that day and brought directly to the vet for immediate care.  Emily had a dangerous case of pneumonia.  She stayed at the vet office for 2 weeks while they worked day and night to get her to feel better.  


Emily wasn't improving very quickly.  She was visited every day by Chris and Mariesa with the Mr. Mo Project and I visited her as often as I could.  We all brought her anything we thought she might eat - steak, pizza, fish, chicken.... but she was rarely interested in much.  Finally, after 2 weeks, we took a chance and brought her home.  

She was so happy to get into my car.  This picture was on the ride home.  It was the most alert I had seen her since we met.  But, this picture was very deceiving.  I wasn't quite sure Emily was going to make it through the night.  

But, we made it through the first night, and then through the second.  I spent a fortune on every kind of dog food possible.  I made her meals so carefully and fed her small amounts several times a day.  Slowly her meals started to increase and the frequency decreased.  Her energy level grew and we got our first glimpse of Emily.

She now eats two normal meals a day of dry dog food, which is huge!  Emily will be going back to the vet soon to have another full check up.  Now that she's healthy, we can see how she is doing medically with out pneumonia clouding her results.  

The girls welcomed Emily with open paws and Emily seems to like them just the same.  Her energy level has increased and her stiff hind legs have started to become less stiff.  She gallops down the hallway in the morning in anticipation for her breakfast and does the happiest happy dance when we return home from work.  

Emmy will live out the remainder of her life here with us.  
Welcome to the Corbin House, sweet girl. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Two months...

Today marks two months since I last felt his velvety fur, looked into his soulful brown eyes and kissed his wonderful snout. I miss him every minute of every day. 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Saying Goodbye...

I debated on sharing this post. At first, I couldn't find the words to write it... then after I wrote it, I couldn't find the strength to publish it, and almost deleted it. But, I've shared so much of his life with you. You've all been a support system greater than I could ever imagine. These 3 days in June changed my life forever. So, here it is... My last 3 days with Corbin....

I came home from work around 7pm on Thursday... the dogs were all in the yard, Adam was grilling up dinner.  After welcoming me home, Corb was laying on the deck, chomping on his ball.  He stood up and began to whimper.  I had never heard Corbin whimper before.  I told him to come inside.  He took one step and screamed in a pain that we couldn't control, we couldn't stop.  I quickly called the vet but could barely get words out... finally, I was able to say "Corbin, it's Corbin!" and heard a familiar voice on the other end say "Come in, come in, we'll take you when you get here."  Corbin got sick in my car, which he never does and whimpered the whole way there.  The vet available was one I wasn't a fan of... she didn't know Corbin well and the last time I saw her, I was pretty sure she thought I was insane.  Corbin acted fairly normal, but I kept saying "there is something wrong with my dog, something is not right."  She dismissed us and sent us home with some pain meds.  I tell you this part not because of the vet... but to remind everyone, no one knows your dog better than you.

We went home and I stayed up to midnight baking cupcakes because I was so annoyed over our visit.  Corbin went to his crate, his safe place when he's not feeling well.  At some point he came out to the couch and I decided to sleep there with him.  I didn't sleep much and was thankful for a friend on the west coast who listed to my rantings and concerns most of the night. At 8am, I called the vet and explained I wasn't happy with my visit the previous night.  They scheduled me in with a vet I trusted and off we went.  Corbin was so lethargic, he wouldn't get out of my car on his own... As I carried him into the vets office, tears streamed down my face as the realization that something was very wrong hit me.  Dr. Elson walked in the door to see Corbin laying flat out on the exam table... he said "oh... this is not Corbin."  I couldn't have been more relieved to see the face of someone whose opinion I trusted and valued.  I told him what the past 12 hours held in between sobs... He sat on the table with Corbin, calmly stroking his fur as he took in all the information I was spitting out.  They took him back for some xrays and did some blood work.  My mom came to wait with me because I wasn't certain what was going to happen.  Everything looked pretty normal.  He was a bit dehydrated and his white blood cell count was low.  He was diagnosed with "clostridium overgrowth causing hemorrhagic gastritis."  A very painful stomach bug.  He got some fluids and some meds and we went home.

I had also made an appointment with his chiropractor for that afternoon.  After we got home, Corbin was still extremely lethargic.  He still wasn't walking on his own by the time we arrived at Dr. Gunderson's office.  Dr. G adjusted him and did some B12 acupuncture injections.  She was very concerned with his level of lethargy.  After looking over his records from earlier that day, she encouraged us to go back to the vet hospital for more fluids and a redo of his blood work.  We went home and I tried to feed him, but he wasn't interested in anything.  We went back to our vet and saw Dr. Goden, who was also familiar with Corbin.  Again, everything looked normal on paper... some things looked better than they did that morning, but no one could figure out why Corbin was so lifeless... The B12 perked him up a bit, and he walked out of the vets office that evening, the first steps he had taken all day.  He slept all night and drank some water.

The vet called the next morning to see how he was doing.  He was pleased, and relieved, that he was drinking on his own.  We tried feeding him small amounts of baby food... mostly me smearing it on his jowls so he would lick it off, but he wasn't interested at all.  Around 1pm he started vomiting again.  I called the vet and we decided to bring him back in.  After that call, I called Dr. Mike.  He had been on vacation, but no one knew Corbin like he did and I desperately needed his opinion.  Having a wonderful vet who takes my calls at home is an amazing thing.  I told him what was going on and told him what his blood work was like.  He agreed with the diagnosis and treatment and eased my panic.  When we got back to the vet, Dr. Goden was waiting with a plan.  He took Corbin in the back for more x-rays.  While I was waiting for him, someone appeared in the door way.  Assuming it was a tech coming with an update, I looked up.  It was a tech, but not one I expected.  One of my favorite techs had left the practice a few months ago... but there she was, in the doorway.  My sheer shock was followed with a loud gasp and then sobs... she knew Corbin well.  She did his x-rays that afternoon and asked what was going on.  I gave her the short version and asked what she was doing there.  Someone wasn't able to work and the asked her to fill in. It was pure fate to have her there with me that day.

Liz left to check on Corbin and Dr. Goden came back.  Corbin's x-rays the day before on Friday were clear, you could see every bone and every organ.  The x-rays they just did were not clear... they were hazy, indicating there was fluid in his abdomen.  He asked if I could bring him back Monday for an abdominal ultrasound.  I said "Monday?  He won't make it until Monday."  Liz came back in with Corbin and got his IV started.  He got some more fluids and medication.  I told Liz what Dr. Goden had said.  I told her I was going to take him to the emergency vet when we left because he needed an ultrasound today.  She left the room for a bit.  When she came back she told me she had talked with another vet that was there who routinely does ultrasounds and he agreed to stay late so Corbin could have one.  I burst into tears and couldn't thank her enough.  Both vets stayed late, as well as a team of vet techs in case Corbin needed emergency surgery.  But, his ultrasound looked pretty normal.  They did a guided aspiration of the fluid in his system.  We finished his ultrasound and waited for the results of the fluid.  Adam and I were with Corbin when Dr. Goden came back in.  He said there was bacteria and a lot of white blood cells in the fluid, in a place in his body that should be sterile.  Corbin had gone septic.
I knew when I heard the word that there was nothing we could do to save him.  Dr. Goden gave us a surgical option, but I knew Corbin wouldn't survive a surgery.  And, even if they could find the hole where fluid was leaking out of and they fixed it... there was nothing that caused this to happen, and the odds were high that it would just happen again. Corbin's body was failing.

I promised Corbin a long time ago that I would never keep him alive for me.  That his quality of life was most important.  I talked to Dr. Mike, and he gave me comfort as we weighed our options.  Corbin picked his head up for the first time that day... and I saw my answer there in his eyes.  His fight was over and it was our time to say goodbye.

I was so thankful to have been with my vets, at a clinic Corbin was comfortable in and with people he was comfortable with. More importantly, people I was comfortable with. I knew the decision we made was the right one for Corbin. I didn't have to second guess myself or make a decision on my own. I had amazing vets that I trusted and an amazing friend in our vet tech. Had we gone to the emergency clinic, it wouldn't have been as peaceful and I wouldn't have been so sure. Corbin left us surrounded by love from everyone in that room...

Losing Corbin was a pain I had never experienced. The air left my lungs, the blood stopped flowing in my body, all of my energy left my life. My legs were weak, my head light, my face drenched with tears. Adam and I made phone calls to those most important in his life. I managed to get the words out, "we had to say goodbye to Corbin today," but the reality seemed so unreal.  Even now, 4 and a half weeks later, the idea of never feeling his soft fur again seems impossible. Corbin had been through so much... everyone always expected him to bounce back. His loss was a shock to everyone... especially to me and Adam.

Thank you for always being there for us. Our 5 years of blogging brought us to so many amazing people. Your support, love and strength have helped me through the last 3.5 years of Corbin's always changing health issues. I know he's enjoying his time on the other side of the bridge with those who went before him. What a party it must be...

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Amelia health update

To start with a refresher or to catch up those who may not know, Amelia was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This rare disease typically goes undetected until it's too late and a pet drops dead unexpectedly. Thankfully, 2 years ago my vet heard a murmur in her heart and we had a heart ultrasound done and we caught it. This disease causes a thickening of the heart walls.  While we have not been able to reduce the thickness, with medication and proper monitoring we have been able to slow down the progression.

So, bringing this to the current moment, Amelia had her yearly heart ultrasound on Monday. In comparison to last year, the addition of a new medication has helped the blood flow and her left atrium has improved because of it. However, her left ventricular walls have continued to thicken. We've increased her medication and bumped her yearly ultrasounds up to every 6 months.

Knowing that we could have lost Amelia tragically 2 years ago if this went undetected makes every day with her a gift. She could be the furthest from the vision of a heart patient. She's happy, spunky, energetic, athletic and wiggles more than you've ever seen. Don't bother trying to tell her she has a heart condition, because she won't believe you.

We knew Amelia's life span would be shortened when we adopted her, but we knew in our home she would have the vet care that she needed. We also knew we had the ability to love her for however long we were graced with her joyful personality. Although the results we received on Monday weren't miracle words, I'm so happy her disease hasn't progressed as quickly as it could have. So, we're happy she'll be our little wiggle worm for another bit longer. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

Meet Kobie.

I'll never be ready to see my home without Corbin. I'll never be ready to welcome a new dog without his presence here. But, if someone had said they were not ready when Corbin needed saving, he would have never made it here to me. So, although I'm not ready, please meet Kobie. Our newest member of The Corbin House foster family. Welcome to your temporary home, handsome boy. It's what Corbin would have wanted.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thank you

Thank you, everyone, for your kind words of love and support after we said goodbye to our Corbin. Seeing all the lives that were touched by my boy... it's been a light in a very dark time.  His crazy personality filled a room and filled my life.  Without him here, I feel so incredibly lost. He was a very special boy and has left an enormous hole in our lives.
Thank you sounds so little, but please know it means so much.  It's been heartwarming to see how many people were touched by his vibrant personality. We hope those who have smiled, laughed, gasped or cried over his life of adventure and mischief will pay it forward in his name. Volunteer at your local shelter or rescue, foster or adopt a deserving best friend, make a donation to a worthy cause. His life brought light to the world of rescue, and although he is no longer here with us, that light will continue to shine bright with his memory. Corbin's short 6 years on this earth may be over, but his journey has not finished...

I hope you'll stick with us as we navigate the next chapter of the Corbin House.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Run free, my sweet boy

My heart. My soul. My Corbin. 

After a very sudden illness, we led him to the rainbow bridge today and set him free. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Monday, April 6, 2015

Amelia: 2 years

A post by the momma:

Our journey began with a text message. On Thursday, April 4, 2013 I received a text message from my rescue partner in Kentucky. "There's a female pit bull at one of the other shelters. She's a shelter favorite, but her time is up. She's good with other dogs and good with people. Will you take her?"
When I received the text, we had Serena, our beautiful white husky, filling up the foster spot in our home. I should have said no, but I didn't.  I had a million reasons to say no, but my response was yes. I said yes and Amelia's life was saved with just minutes to spare.  The next day, she was loaded onto a van with 20+ other dogs and headed to New York.
Her shelter picture, which I didn't see until after I agreed to take her in.
I was late getting to the rescue for transport that day. All the dogs were already unloaded and all the volunteers were deep in the process of checking medical records and getting tags on all the new dogs. As I walked up, a friend shouted "Wait until you see her!" And, there she was. Tail high in the air and ears pricked forward. Eager to figure out what this new journey was. I shouted back "omg, I love her!" And, that I did.
The first picture I took of her.
As luck would have it, a couple who previously met Serena came back to the adoption clinic and adopted her. I said good bye to our blue eyed beauty and concentrated on our newest foster. Amelia was so loveable and sweet, I simply couldn't imagine her staying with us too long. After the adoption clinic, I loaded her up into the car and drove home. I called Adam a few blocks away to start our introduction process with a new dog. Some of you who have been following us a long time know that Corbin isn't dog friendly. We have an extensive introduction process that allows us to successfully bring new dogs home.
As I got Amelia out of the car, I realized her journey wouldn't be as easy as the last few hours led me to believe. She shut down with Corbin and refused to get close to our house.  Doorways, hallways, stairs... they were all something extremely scary to her.
Our typical foster picture. 
After we got her in the house, we gave her space to figure things out. Little things made me so happy. I remember the first time she walked down the hallway alone and peeked her wide eyes into our bedroom. The first time she walked through a door way without pancaking to the floor. The first time she ran in the yard. The first time she got on the couch by herself. Her first true smile. She's had so many milestones in the past two years.
Somewhere deep down, I had such a love for this dog. She was so amazing and so brave and so trusting. It was an instant "I want to keep her!" And we had the conversation many times, but always concluding that keeping such a perfect, wonderful dog would be selfish... and that we should keep our home open for the Corbin's of the world. The hard to place dogs who might not have a chance without our home. But, the months went by and no applications came in for her... and all the sudden we hit the year mark and still, not a single application.  It was 14 months before we signed the paperwork to make her an official part of our family. There was just no way I could live without her.

Our Diva.
Amelia continues to surprise me everyday. She's so welcoming of new fosters and so understanding of their hesitation. She takes the time to build their trust and tries to snuggle them so they don't feel alone. It's been amazing to watch her blossom and see her confidence build each and every day. And, most importantly, her love with Corbin is truly an amazing site. I've never seen two dogs so in love with each other. 

Meant for each other. 
I don't know what scary things happened in her past, but my heart is filled with joy knowing every moment of her future will be filled with more love than she can handle.  Thank you, Amelia... thank you for choosing us, for loving us, for teaching us. You have been an amazing part of the last two years and the perfect puzzle piece to complete our little family.

Friday, March 6, 2015


Happiness is in the heart, not the circumstance. 

Hope you all enjoy the weekend! 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. 
It's not.
- Dr. Seuss 

Friday, February 27, 2015

Monday, February 23, 2015

Saturday, February 14, 2015