Our mornings have been getting pretty chilly around here. And, my little Amelia Bee comes in from morning potty breaks shivering. So, I decided we couldn't have that. I borrowed the momma's plastic card and went on the interwebs to my favorite snuggly place: Tiennot Knits Sweaters. I ordered a custom sweater for my dear Amelia... then I decided that I should probably have a new one, too. And, I also ordered one for Greta... ya know, might as well order everything all at once while I had access to the plastic card.
Don't they just look snuggly?!
The parents went to New Jersey last weekend for my Uncle Chris and, now, Aunt Melissa's wedding. I went and hung out with Grandpa Jack and Grandma Nancy and my girls and Amelia went and hung out with the momma's friend Alida and her pack. We were so excited to be reunited Sunday evening, but, do you know what was more exciting?! Seeing that there was a package waiting for us and I just knew where it was from!
Knitted with care.
Each sweater had our names on them, so we could tell who's was who's. Amelia was super excited to have a fashion show with her new winter gear!
Don't you think the colors suit her beautiful furs perfectly?
And, of course, I couldn't turn down an opportunity to rock my new threads...
What do you think? How do I look?
Amelia checked out the yarn real good to make sure it was of the
bestest quality... and it is!
And, she didn't hesitate to put her new sweater to the durability test.
It held up great against the Amelia Flop!
How do we look?
These great sweaters come in all shapes and sizes. These were made specifically for us using our specific measurements. They can also be made with button closures for those who may have troubles getting into on. And, the best part? You can pick your own colors! Whatever color mix you would like, you can get!
And, they're super warm and snuggly!
My red and grey sweater from a few years ago has held up great, and honestly, I didn't really need a new one.... BUT, Amelia got one, so I figured I could use a blue one to complete my color coding wardrobe. They're easy for the momma to get on and off and they make us look super stylish! Plus, when my ouchies act up, I wear my sweater because it comforts me. These things are great!
Warning: The ladies can't refuse a Sharp Dressed Dude!
So, if you find yourself chilly in the mornings, or in the afternoons or in the evenings... You need a Tiennot Knits Sweater! You can get all the information that you need by visiting their Facebook page or by visiting the Sweater Shop! And, you too, can look as dashing and handsome as a Corbin and an Amelia!
Don't order if you don't like lovin's! Because you'll get lovin's from
*We were not asked to do a review of this product, we just simply adore it and it keeps the kids nice and warm on the chilly mornings. We only suggest to our readers products that we love, enjoy and are comfortable using on our pets.
**Lovin's are not guaranteed by Tiennot Knits Sweaters or Corbin. Corbin just knows from experience, everyone loves a dog in a sweater!