Ok, so I was supposed to announce the winner to my contest yesterday... but here's the thing. I liked ALL my adventures SO much that I had to take the extra time to convince mom to give out a few more prizes. All my judges (6 total) picked 3 of their favorites, so we will have First and Second place prizes... then we will have a random drawing of the other "favorites" (trust me, everyone had a hard time picking just 3!)... we will also have a random drawing of ALL the fun adventures! So, that's FOUR prizes!!! They were just all so good... I couldn't see only giving out ONE prize!
So... Our first place winner is.......
I had SO much fun on the double date we went on with the ladies... and I always love looking like a super hero by saving Miss. Maggie Mae. And... I look pretty good in scuba gear!
Our second place winner is....
Man... going to Vegas was insane!!! I even tried to drive a Harley and won all sorts of awesome stuff! hehe And I really enjoyed the plane rides!
So, rounding out my judges favorites were: (1)
Shawnee, (2)
Puddles, (3)
Kelly, (4)
Noodles, (5)Lola, (6)
Wyatt, (7)
Charlie and (8)
HoneyBuzz (she really had us rolling with my smooth dance and ice skating moves!)
Using Random.org, the winner of the favorites is......
And, now the drawing for ALL the adventures, excluding those that already won: (1)
Rudy, (2)
Kelly, (3)
Khyra, (4)
Wyatt, (5)
Frankie, (6)
Noodles, (7)
Shawnee, (8)
Charlie, (9)
Shasta, (10)
HoneyBuzz, (11)
Levi Mac, (12)
Lola, (13)
Using Random.org, the winner of all my adventures is......
I really wish I could give prizes to EVERYONE! But we'll always have the memories of our awesome adventure! I told mom she has to play the lotto so we can win lots of money and give prizes to everyone. She said she'll get right on that. So it might not be long! Could all the winners please send me your snail mal address to OhCuteCorbin(at)gmail(dot)com!
I had SO much fun these past few weeks... but I sure did miss home! Finally got my suitcase unpacked, and I'm going to catch up on some sleep and jetlag!
ZzzzZzzzZzzzz |
Later Dudes!
PS. I will be in a kissing booth for the auction to help Momma Tea, Richie and Ronnii! Are you going to give me some smooches????