Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Collars!

So, a lot of you noticed my new collar in yesterday's post!  I actually got TWO new collars!  Mom said they were supposed to be for Christmas, but she let me try them on.

First, the package came... which was SO fun.

This says my name on it right there, Mom.
I'll be taking this....
Hm... now how do I get inside?
Here we go.....
Hey... I think there's treats in here!
There we go... totally open. Now, let's see what's inside...
Ohhh! All this stuff's for me!!!
What do you MEAN I have to wait until CHIRSTMAS?!
Ma... you put it on upside down.
Grrrrr... This is my "Absoultely Dangerous" collar!
Because... I'm Absolutely Dangerous, obviously.
Like my mean face??? Grrrrrr
This is my new every day collar.
Ma... you can take the tags off now.
What do ya think?  Do I look good in green?
I also got a special bag of treats!!!! They look SUPER Yummy!
Yep... they're yummy!!!!
My awesome new collars came from Sirius Republic and I also got a new leash to match my green collar!  I'm super bummed that I can't wear them until Christmas though... Daddy-o just LOVES the grey one with the skulls on it... I'll be wearing that one, along with my Giants jersey for the football games!

Also, check it out.  My pal Rudy is having a Holiday Contest!!! You have to write a Holiday poem to be entered!  I'm going to spend the rest of my day thinking about my poem... go visit him and enter!

Oh, AND!!!!!!! Maggie Mae got her snow delivered to her.  Now, Maggie Mae only lives through the woods from me... so she's not that far away.  And I didn't get ANY snow.  Now, I think Remington is playing favorites because Maggie Mae is a Vikings fan and I am a Giants fan and the Vikings and Giants play this weekend.  I'm just saying... that's the only way to explain why SHE got snow and I DIDN'T!!!

And, one more thing, Frankie thinks I should run for Blogville Beautification Secratary instead of Secretary of Handsomeness.  I think I can live with that!  What do you think?  Or does it sound too girly...?  Because, I'm a dude... not a chick.  Maybe I should be incharge of military actions instead... I already have a camo shirt.

Later Dudes!


  1. I really like that green color on you...look hot Corbin!


    Minnie Moo

  2. Oh man, that skull collar makes you look so tough!!! I love it!

  3. Yummy. I hope it tasted.
    Corbin, you are perfectly styled.

    Nice woooh

  4. There is no doubt you are a dude especially in your new skull collar!

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack

  5. You look so GQ in that new collar Corbin.
    Love Noodles

  6. Love the collars but I didn't see a Giants one....hhhmmmm....I'm just sayin'....

  7. WOW!! Love the collars Cobin ... you look great in camo too ;)

  8. Green looks great on you Corbin :)

    Packages are so much fun!

    Waggin at ya,

  9. You look very handsome in your new collars!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  10. The green is inkhredible on woo - at least that is what Mom says!


  11. Great collars.
    I like the green collar.

  12. Fur Sure wear the Camo Shirt... at all official functions.
    Butt I gave your Cabinet Pawsition a lot of thought and I think being called the Secretary for Blogville Beautification will act just like a CHICK MAGNET fur you. The girrrrls will be
    ALL OVER YOU Buddy!!! I'm just sayin.

  13. Corbins!!!!

    I can't beleeves how handsome you look in your new collars! Yowsa! I also can't beleeves dat you didn't gets any snow dis week, maybe bein' a Vikings fan is da way to go? ;)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

    PeeS How is your itchies doin'? All better yet?

  14. we can totally see why you would be leader of all things handshum

    the pittie pack

  15. You got some cool collars. Bet they are going to help with your chick magnet status
    Benny & Lily

  16. You really know how to open those packages! We had to have lots of help. Great collars. Maybe you should be in charge of Beautification and Handsomeness. (you've got the wardrobe for it.)

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  17. You're too studley to ever be girlie, Corbin!
    Your new collars look awesome on you!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  18. Love the new collars! You definitely look good in green. Blogville Secretary of Beautification is a very important job and I think you are the right dog for the job. You can also participate in covert military operations on the side. In fact your new position, might just be the perfect cover ...

    Your pal, Detective Pip

  19. Love your new collars. My dad would like the one with the skulls on it as well. :)

  20. We sure like your new collars! The skull collar is so YOU!!
    Secretary of Beautification, what are your new responsibilities?? :)


  21. You look good in everything to me!


  22. Green is definitely your color! Though we also like the skill collars. Both of our dogs have skull collars and we call them the pirate dog.

  23. No worries. You are confident in your dude-ness and will make a most excellent beautification director.


  24. If it makes you feel any better. I haven't got any snow yet either. That wee sprinkle this morning totally does not count.

    Your collars make you look even more handsome, if possible. I love that green striped on the best. Aren't early presents the best?

  25. Dude, you looks HOT in da skull collar...I gives it my stamp of, paw of approval...whatevers!

    Nows, I concur withs Frankie's cabinet nomination of you to da Secretary of Beautification or whatevers he called it.
    Don;t think too much into da name...he just trying to be politaically correct...I think.


  26. Hey Corbin,
    My mom thinks you look very handsome in the green collar, I say go for the tough guy look with the skulls or just devour the bag of treats!

    Mom wanted me to tell you that we are keeping little Christopher in our thoughts and prayers, what a little cutie pie!


  27. Those are very handsome new collars, but then you are one of the best dressed dudes we know.
    Morgan, Tsar and the Porties

  28. Gus does the same thing to his packages...destroys them! I'm sure he was very proud of himself post-destruction...Gus always is :) Love the collars!
